Coastal Haiti Mission


September 2024





Tribulation and adversity.  Pretty much the same meaning according to Webster:

TROUBLE! And it will come. Jesus said so: “…In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration…”    (John 16:33a TAB) And, as far as I know, there are still no prayer lines to rid one of all adversity.  So often, it comes from the world, a world that has lost its way, broken and spoiled.  Sin has done its detrimental work.

I believe these adversities are allowed by God, but are not necessarily sent by Him.   It is the natural course and outcome of Godless execution and “doings” of man’s affairs down through the ages.  And we are often faced with incredible challenges as we go from day to day: lack of resources, illness, accidents, hurricanes, pandemics, and opposition of all kinds.

The Apostle Paul was well-acquainted with tribulation and adversity; shipwrecked three times, beaten, stoned, hunger, thirst, sleepless nights, exposure to sun, rain, and wind, and was frequently brought to the point of death. But he would not be deterred or turned aside from his mission to bring the Gospel to the lost.  And so he endured.  Pushed through all the barriers.  Oh, yes, he did!

But now I would like to deal with another type of adversity: the chastisement and  discipline of the Lord.  It comes from God in order to bring correction into our lives when needed.  It can be grievous and painful, but results in right-living and right-standing with God.  (Heb. 12:11 TAB)  It comes for our certain good, and if we are wise we will NOT fight it

“You must submit to endure [correction] for discipline.  God

                is dealing with you as with sons…” (Heb. 12:7a TAB)

(And I believe – “ as with daughters”).

We need to receive His discipline and allow it to do its work in us.  If it humbles us, all the better!  We need to not give in to discouragement or have a “pity party” when it comes, because if it didn’t come we may be set adrift and allowed to head down the nearest rabbit hole  (not a good outcome!)  until, like Jonah we decide to cooperate with God.  Again like Jonah, our pride and arrogance may put us in a place of confinement (not much to do in the belly of a whale!).  A captive audience for God.   He may call us on the carpet and show us who we really are and the true nature of our deeds and transgressions and our self-sufficiency.  (Job 36:9 TAB)

“Take heed,” warns our Lord to His undisciplined child, and

turn not to iniquity, for this [the iniquity of complaining

                  against God] you have chosen rather than [submission in]  

                                                                                affliction.”  (Job 36:21 TAB)

Dear Reader, I don’t want to give the impression that our great God is standing by just waiting for us to slip up – He’s not! The discipline of the Lord is meant to bring us back to His side, not for our ruination.  The Father of spirits (Heb. 12:9 TAB) loves His children deeply.

And now, allow me to relate a personal experience.  Years ago when I was a new Christian, a neighbor offered me an aged ice-cream maker.  For some reason, I really wanted it.  But I also knew it may bring a pretty penny in the antique business (at least I thought it would).  Anyway, I told my neighbor what I thought and suggested she should keep it and try to sell it.

I returned home and patted myself on the back.  “That’s what it’s all about,” I told myself with apparent pride, “being a good Christian.”  Like I said, I really wanted what she offered me, but chose to refuse it for her benefit (what a good girl am I!). Suddenly, I sensed the Lord speaking to me:

“All of your righteousness is as filthy rags.”  (Isaiah 64:6 )

I must admit, I was taken aback.  ”What a thing for the Lord to say,” I thought.  It was kind of a “jolt.”  And then, after a long and thoughtful-moment of self-examination and perusal, I realized the truth of what He said: I have NO righteousness of my own.  My only righteousness was, is now, and always will be, in Christ. I RECEIVED His correction and went on with my day a little wiser and probably a lot less prideful.

But wait!  That’s not all.  Got a phone call from my mom, right after that day.  Said she had an old ice-cream maker, probably 100 years old that had belonged to my great-grandfather. (She knew nothing about the incident with my neighbor!).

“Do you want it?”  she asked.

And I knew that my Lord was pleased with my response to His rebuke.


Walking this Way with you,




The 9th Grade Students Excel Again


Pastor Coty Writes: 

This year again the students made it. This is our third 9th grade student class- who took the government test. 

Usually when a school sends students to take this kind of test, they always wait for the result, to see the percentage who will succeed, but they never expect 100%.

In our case, our students have made it all three years. 100% has been the result for our school.

For this reason, we took them out to eat ice cream together. Because we are from the village, it is the first time for many of these students that they have eaten ice cream. 

I want to thank each and every one of you who contribute to this mission and to the school.

From our side, we promise to continue doing our job, so we keep showing the good way to our students. 

Now, because these 19, ninth grade students have passed this government test,   they are able to continue their education at another school. 

Thank you and God bless you. 

Pastor Coty. 


The Saturday Sunday School

Pastor Coty Writes:

Goodbye vacation. 

What a good way to say goodbye to the vacation period!

The Saturday Sunday School students asked Nana to take them out for a class trip this year, before they go back to school.

Finally, we decided on where to go. We took them out to the beach. 

We fed them one meal and then took them to the beach. Because we did not charge the students for this trip, we had more than twice the number of students, that regularly attend Nana’s classes.




Food for the Needy Program

Pastor Coty Writes:

Coastal Haiti Mission assists the poor people in the village in many ways.

Sometimes we even provide medical care for some individuals. But the one area of help that they are always waiting on us for, is the food program. In Haiti no one has enough food to give away, because you will always have people in need. So, one of our responsibilities is to select the most needy persons, to help.

People used to stand along the road and wait for me, to tell me that they spend days without eating. Some of these people go to my house, but most of them see me after the church service.

After every church service I always have at least 7 to 10 persons waiting for me.  Most of these people are from the congregation, but some just come to see me after the service. 

In a situation like this, I need the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help me make the correct choices and to discern the most urgent situations.

There is no way that I could do anything for these people without Coastal Haiti Mission. 

Thank you again and may God bless you richly and may God bless America.

Pastor Coty Joseph


The School Term Begins October 1, 2024

Pastor Coty Wrote this on September 28, 2024:

In just a few days, we will have students filling these buildings. 

In just a few days, our school students will come back to our school.

In just a few days, the 3 rocks Haitians use for a stove will hold a boiler full of rice and beans.

In just a few days, people will stand along the road in the village looking at the kids going to school.

In just a few days, these benches won’t be enough for the many students that we are expecting. 

In just a few days, more than 300 persons will be sure to get a meal each day because of the school lunch program. 

In just a few days, we will hear the students saying the special prayer, thanking God for the food.

In just a few days, I will see many parents bringing their kids to school. 

In just a few days, we will have the teachers gathering under the mango trees during the school lunch break.

In just a few days, I will see the cooks taking food to the teachers, as we feed the kids in a separate area.

In just a few days, I will hear the students singing: OH LORD MY GOD…. THEN SINGS MY SOUL…. singing the hymn How Great Thou Art

In just a few days, I will see my truck full of students who will be shouting :

“let’s go Pastor!”

In just a few days School will reopen.

Thank you Lord, we ask for your blessing and your protection. 

Pastor Coty Joseph

 Lunch from the previous school term


Proverbs 14: 31
Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.


 A prayer for you from the scripture:

Psalms 67: 1
May God be gracious to you and bless you
and make His face to shine upon you


Thank you, Family and Friends of Coastal Haiti Mission, for all that you do to help the people in Cahess, Haiti. You are making a huge difference for these people.

Please remember, that CHM must continue to send our monthly commitment of $1100 to carry on the ongoing CHM ministry in Cahess. This is in addition to the cost of the School Lunch Program.

If you desire to help, please send your tax-deductible check to our address and tell us how you want us to use your donation:

Coastal Haiti Mission

C/O Constance Goddard

3048 Spring Fancy Lane

Indian Trail, NC 28079

Or For tax deductible “online donations”, please use our PayPal service. Also please designate how you want us to use your donation.


May the Lord our God, who knows your heart and sees your actions, grant you great joy as you serve Him.  Connie, Esther, Pastor Coty, Carl, Dan, and Ken are very grateful for your sacrifice. Ken Johansson CHM Newsletter Editor

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