Coastal Haiti Mission


June 2024 




The first man God ever spoke to was Adam.  Did Adam know who God was?  I doubt it. (Otherwise I don’t think he’d have been so quick to join his wife in her disobedience).  God also spoke to Noah.  Did Noah know who God was?  Well, he knew one thing, he knew He was a master builder and mathematician!  God also spoke to Abraham. But did Abraham really know who he was dealing with?  Probably not.  It seems as though the Maker and Ruler of heaven and earth was somewhat reticent (reserved) when it came to a revelation of Himself.

Surely it was too much for a mortal man to comprehend a Being who is OMNISCIENT (all knowing). OMNIPRESENT (is everywhere at the same time), and OMNIPOTENT (all powerful).  Oh yes, He would reveal Himself, but in His own way and in his own time.

Earlier, violence had filled the earth, and the heirs of  “Uncle Adam” and “Auntie Eve” were no longer fit to reside upon this earth. In a flood of unimaginable proportion only one family survived –Noah’s.  And man began again to multiply upon the earth, and the Great God was spurned once again by His own created beings who chose to venerate and bow down before other gods who were infiltrating God’s creation.  Other gods whose images were carved in wood and stone – gods who were demanding and corruptive, and separated men and woman from their intended purpose.

Noah now knew God as his Rescuer. Moses knew Him as a Disciplinarian (he would not be allowed to enter the Promised Land because he, at one point, broke faith with God.  “For you shall see the land over opposite you, but you shall not go there, into the land which I give the Israelites.” (Deut. 32:52 TAB).

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob knew Him as “God Almighty”.  And God was about to increase the concept of who He was.

“I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as GOD ALMIGHTY

         [El Shaddai], but by My Name THE LORD [Yaweh][the redemptive

         Name of God]— I did not make Myself known to them [in acts and

        great miracles].” (Ex. 6:3 TAB)

But that would soon change. What was He about to do?!  Soon there was heard the terrorizing sound and awesome rumble and crash of the waves as Yaweh parted the waters of the Red Sea, leading His people to freedom after 400 years of slavery in Egypt.

“Was it really happening? the people must have wondered.  Or were they all dreaming? (Must have ramped up the fear of God in many a man, woman, and child!)

As time passed, now and then a prophet of God would appear bearing the precious Word from what seemed like a sometimes-apathetic God.

A prophet like Isaiah:

                   “He was despised and rejected and forsaken by men, a man

                     of sorrows and sickness; and as one from whom men hide

                     their faces…wounded for our transgressions…bruised for

                     our iniquities;…”  (Isaiah 53:3-5 TAB)

But of whom was the prophet speaking?  Well, the time came, and the great reveal was on.

It all began with a star.  A few wise men from the east set out to follow the magnificent anomaly.  They knew it was a harbinger, an announcement – I mean the stars were their game.  They knew that somewhere a King had been born.

And there, in a stable beneath the star that shone over the town of Bethleham that night, a young virgin and her husband cradled their new-born Son.  (Yes, a miracle.)  They would name Him Jesus.

The great God Who commanded the sun, moon, and stars, the wind, waves, and angel armies – the God to whom the nations of the world were like a “drop from the bucket” and regarded by Him as “less than nothing,” – the One who “measured the waters in the hollow of His hand”, “weighed the mountains in scales” and “the hills in a balance”, – the Creator of heaven and earth had entered time and space to save the lost souls of men and woman because He wanted them with Him forever.

             “He will feed his flock like a Shephard, He will gather the lambs

           in His arm, He will carry them in His bosom, He will gently lead

           those that have their young.” (Isaiah 40:11 TAB)

        He would stun the masses with His revolutionary teaching (whoever heard of loving your enemy?!).  He would heal the sick and restore the mind of the demon-possessed.  He would cleanse the leper and allow him to return to his home to once again participate in family affairs.  He would cause the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, and the blind to see.  He would slip the moors of confinement imposed by “religion” as he set up His church in the hearts of His people.

He said that  “…he that hath seen Me hath seen the Father…  (John 14:9 KJV)




And He would die.  Oh, He didn’t have to die..  He could have called 80,000 angels.  He CHOSE to die – for you and for me.

My dear reader, when Jesus the Christ, the perfect and sacrificial Lamb of God was nailed to – and hung on the cross He suffered excruciating and incomprehensible pain, not only physically, but also mentally.  He Who was sinless had now become our Sin Bearer.  It was absolute horror as all the ugliness, toxic, putrid, gangrenes, and foul stench of sin that ever was, is now, and ever would be was placed upon His back.

And when His eyes closed in death, FORGIVENESS  was let loose for all who would call upon His Name!  The debt was paid.  Paid In Full, and God’s righteous justice was satisfied.

Jesus told us He was coming back to earth to fetch His church and bring His people home.  Will you be there when He comes?  Are you in?

             “Look to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth!  For I am

             God, and there is no other.” (Isaiah 45:22 TAB)


Walking this Way with you,



The Saturday Sunday School

Pastor Coty Writes:

Someone who plants a garden, can’t go out the next day to begin the harvest. So, you need some Faith to plant a garden, because the harvest is always in the future. Some plants take months to mature, while other plants take years to be ready for harvest. But when the time for harvesting comes, you do it with joy. Sometimes you have so much joy, that you even forget all the hard work and effort you put into growing this garden.

It is almost the same situation when investing in children. You have to invest yourself in ministering and teaching, and do it with joy, knowing that someday, society will have some good people, and some good leaders, because of your efforts.

However, if you can taste some fruit of your efforts, even while they are still kids, it brings even more joy.

On the 2nd Sunday of June, we always have a special service for the children, but this year, we were blessed to have them lead the worship service, and even preach the message.

The whole congregation was blessed, and my wife was overwhelmed with joy, because she has started seeing the result of her ministry to the children, on each Saturday. 

To our supporters I would say: Thank you, and please keep up the good work, by continuing to help us do God’s work.

Pastor Coty Joseph

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old

he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22: 6  New King James Version


The School Lunch Program

Pastor Coty Writes:

Thank you !!!!!!!

School is over. We are back at home. We will come back in September. As we are living, we want to say: Thank you. 

 – Thanks to our Lord and Savior, for His protection toward us. 

 – Thanks to our teachers for sharing their knowledge and advice for  life.

 – Thanks to our classmates. In the school we live as brothers and sisters. 

 – Thanks to our school principal, for his patience with us and his guidance. 

 – Thanks to our cooks. Their presence at the school gives us joy every day. 

 – Thanks to you, our supporters, because of you, we eat every school day.   What a blessing you are to us !!!

While at home, we spend days without eating. When we are at school, we eat every day.

We are already dreaming of September, because the school solves more than one problem for us. Our spirits and our stomachs. 

Again, Thank you.

From The Voices of the Students of Cahess !!!  

 These children are grateful to you for your sacrificial provision of lunch, each school day.


Food for the Needy Program

Pastor Coty Writes:

We don’t do this as a routine, but sometimes this is how a service in our church ends.

We always save some rice to help the most needy people, because we are compared to a door that the poor people knock on, when they are in need, and especially when they need food.

Because we live here, we know the situation and know when starvation is imminent.  So, in the moment like this, we serve a food kit to every lady at the church. This is God answering prayers, because the most common  prayer request is for God to help with their poverty.

There is absolutely no way we could even think of doing such a thing, without having other people, who allow God to guide them to us.

With huge thanks to you, our supporters, who invest in us, even as you invest  in your eternal reward in heaven. 

Pastor Coty Joseph

Thank you Family and Friends for blessing the people of this village.


The Drought Resistant Garden Program

Program Leader Daisee Kangas Writes:

Update from The Solidarity Gardeners.

This month has been a month of transitions for the Solidarity Gardeners.  The gardens have been harvested, though they are still producing eggplant.

There is a short pause taking place right now as we have a problem.  The animals continue to destroy crops and wreak havoc in the community garden.  The guys, Pastor Cote, Jeff and Yamoutch have gone out several times looking for fencing but have not found anything appropriate.  The last straw was when the goats got into the garden and ate all of the newly planted Cashew trees.  They completely destroyed them. 

However, after researching, I have recently found several companies that I can order from, who will ship to Haiti. We have placed our first order, 3 rolls of 4′ x 164′ fencing.  This should properly protect the garden and provide for at least some of the school yard as well. As a bonus delivery is expected next week.

We have some big plans for planting not just produce, but trees as well.  We can’t have our gardeners watch all their efforts be eaten by wandering livestock.

We are excited to get planting again and very excited to have found some new resources to provide the tools needed for this part of Coastal Haiti Mission’s ministry in Cahess.

 Thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement. 

Daisee Kangas, Project leader




Proverbs 14: 31
Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.

 A prayer for you from the scripture:

Psalms 67: 1
May God be gracious to you and bless you
and make His face to shine upon you


Thank you, Family and Friends of Coastal Haiti Mission, for all that you do to help the people in Cahess, Haiti. You are making a huge difference for these people.

Please remember, that CHM must continue to send our monthly commitment of $1100 to carry on the ongoing CHM ministry in Cahess. This is in addition to the cost of the School Lunch Program.

If you desire to help, please send your tax-deductible check to our address and tell us how you want us to use your donation:

Coastal Haiti Mission

C/O Constance Goddard

3048 Spring Fancy Lane

Indian Trail, NC 28079

Or For tax deductible “online donations”, please use our PayPal service. Also please designate how you want us to use your donation.

May the Lord our God, who knows your heart and sees your actions, grant you great joy as you serve Him.  Connie, Esther, Pastor Coty, Carl, Dan, and Ken are very grateful for your sacrifice. Ken Johansson CHM Newsletter Editor

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