Coastal Haiti Mission Newsletter


November 2022





I once heard that when a dancer spins around during a performance he or she fixes their eyes upon a particular stable object in the room, such as a pole, to line up with upon completing each twirl.  Otherwise they may lose balance and orientation.  If you were in a room, and it was slanted to one side,  you, too, may find yourself slightly slanting your posture in the same direction.  We want to “right” ourselves to our surroundings.

If you are a Christian you already know that you are swimming upstream.  Your biblical world view is not lining up with your environment.  And it’s getting worse.

It has been said that a nation or individual who once knew God and then turns away from Him is in deep trouble.  The chasm left behind will not be vacant long.  It will eventually be filled with – let’s say lesser gods. 

Age-old moorings sustaining our society have broken loose.  Standards upheld for years are being disregarded, and new norms introduced.  That which is good is being called “evil”, and that which is evil is being called “good” (Isa. 5:20).  The culture is celebrating that which is contrary to the Word of God.  They want you to join the parade, but you know who you are.  You are in cadence with a different drummer.  You belong to the Wingwalker, the One Who walks on the wings of the wind (Psalm 104:3b).  The Warrior Savior, born in an obscure stable, Who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.  Immanuel!

And, so, you have chosen to follow Him.  The path you walk in the darkness is lit up by His Word, leading you in paths of righteousness.  (His righteousness,

of course, seeing we have none of our own – sinners saved by grace!)  His Word is our “pole” so-to-speak.  We are very much living in two worlds, each at odds with the other. A spiritual conflict born from the victory won at the Old Rugged Cross, and will end when our Lord Jesus returns to this earth. 

Meanwhile, my brothers and sisters, be at peace. Walk side-by-side and allow the love of God shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit (Rom 5:5) to spill out upon an unbelieving world.  Love one another, and love those who don’t yet know Him.  Bring someone home to the Father’s house.  There is room for everyone.


                   “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto

                   My path. 

                                                                       – Psalm 119:105 KJV

Walking this Way with you,



The Annual Christmas Party

A message from Ken Johansson, CHM Newsletter editor

It has been our privilege in past years, to provide a Christmas Party for the children in the Village of Cahess. This year we have had concerns as to whether we should have the Christmas Party, due to the extremely difficult conditions that exist in Haiti at this time. We know that much of what we ask Pastor Coty to do, exposes him to the risks of being out and about on the streets, and in the businesses of, the City of Cap-Hatien.

We asked Pastor Coty about the situation. His answer is below.

Pastor Coty Writes:

 As we approach Christmas, many are wondering about celebrating Christmas this year, because things are very difficult this year in Haiti.

I do think of the kids in Cahess, because in past years, we have always celebrated with them, so they could have a nice day together, and receive gifts.

When they come to classes on Saturday (Saturday Sunday School) you can already hear them talking about the Christmas party. Some are describing the kind of gift that they desire to get.

For years we have been having this celebration for the kids. We pray that we have the ability to have it this year again. Only God knows.

Pastor Coty.


These photos are taken at the Saturday Sunday School. This class is the only class that has been meeting. All other classes have been cancelled due to the civil unrest that has been occurring for the past months. It is at these classes that the students are talking about the 2023 Christmas Party.


 The photos below are from the Christmas Party, which was held on January 1, 2022

We did not know we would have that many people show up for the party, but we did the best we could to feed everyone.

People everywhere. Nobody wanted to miss this day in Cahess.

On behalf of everyone in Cahess, especially the kids and their parents, and also, Nana and I, we want to thank everyone who contributed, to make this big event a reality in the life of our village.

God bless you all.

Pastor Coty

So, Pastor Coty is not only willing to host the 2023 Christmas Party for the children of Cahess, but he wants to make sure that the party takes place.

Due to the generosity and faithfulness of you, the Family and Friends of Coastal Haiti Mission, we are able to send, $1000 to Pastor Coty to finance the 2023 Christmas Party. We at CHM are very grateful to you!!!   


Conditions in Cahess Haiti

When questioned about school closings, Pastor Coty responded with the following:

The No School Situation is not a government decision. It is mostly the situations on the local level, that determines whether the school can function or not.

In Cahess, we have the students come for food, with no problem, and no one seems to object.

 In regard to  having our school open, I was waiting for some major school in Tru-du-Nord, a large town adjacent to Cahess, to open first.

One school there, started having the students come to class, wearing no uniforms, last week, from Tuesday to Friday. But the following Monday, early in the morning, people burned tires in front of that school gate.

This was a warning sign for other schools, like our school, not to open. Since then, no school has opened in Tru-du-Nord.

My plan is to have our 9th grade students come to class, wearing no uniforms, starting this coming Monday, so I can work with them myself.

Pastor Coty Joseph


Pastor Coty Also Describes the Fuel Situation

He Wrote:

Gasoline is still not available in the northern part of Haiti at the traditional fuel stations. In Port-au-Prince, it is available. But in the north, we still get it from the black market at $10 to $15 a gallon.

Some people say it’s the condition of the road from Port-au Prince to Cap-Haitien, that prevents the big trucks from transporting gasoline from Port-au-Prince.

But the reality is, that some of these trucks come anyway, in spite of the road conditions. However, they don’t deliver the gasoline or diesel to the normal fuel stations. Instead, they deliver the fuel to their connections, who in turn sell it on the black market, for more money.



The School Lunch Program

The School of Cahess is not open because of the civil unrest that permeates the region. However, there seems to be no objection for the school kitchen to be open for providing a noon meal to the students.

The students and their parents are exceedingly grateful to CHM and to you who support this program.

There were many very hungry children, before Pastor Coty appealed in an email to us at CHM, which stated “ Those who can act, please act”. So, our decision was that even though the students cannot attend classes, they still need to eat. Therefore, we requested that Pastor Coty reopen the school feeding program.

Still no school in Haiti, but we are doing what we are called to do–Feed the children. When you look at them, you can see how desperate they are for food. We thank God that we can have enough to feed them, and we pray that we can continue this program to keep meeting the needs of the poor people in Haiti.
Pastor Coty


The Home Lighting Program

The home lighting program has been a huge blessing to the families who have received the Cyclops light. The families share the Solar Power Banks with each other, to charge their lights. The reason for this is, that because of the cost, CHM has not been able to provide a solar charger for each Cyclops light.

The following paragraph is copied from the September/October CHM Newsletter:

Since, all the streets and highways are barricaded, it is nearly impossible to get gasoline from the Port-Au-Prince area, to be distributed throughout the other areas of the country.

The industrial park has suffered directly from the gasoline supply issue as well. Since there is no gasoline, it has had to shut down many production facilities.

The power company NRECA, has had to stop its operations as well, because of the gasoline situation. There are power outages everywhere. It is only people with the Cyclops lights, that have light in their houses.

There is no way to communicate electronically, because there is no power to charge cell phones.” (except for the people who have a Solar Power Bank)

Pastor Coty has distributed all of the Cyclops lights. He writes that there is a great need for more Cyclops lights and more Solar Power Banks. He is requesting 50 Cyclops lights and 30 Solar Power Banks.

The estimated cost for this equipment is approximately $2800. CHM has about $1000 in the Home Lighting Account.

Would you consider a Christmas gift to a family in the Village of Cahess of a light, to illuminate their home. We estimate that a Cyclops light and Solar Power Bank together, including shipping and Haitian Custom charges, will cost about $80. The total cost to send a Cyclops light is estimated to be $40.

If you desire to do this, please send your tax deductible donation to the address at the end of this newsletter, or, for “Online” giving please use our PayPal Service also at the end of this newsletter. Please mark you donation “Lighting Program”


Preliminary Plans to Become More Self Sufficient

We have been searching for ways to help the Cahess Community become more self-sufficient. The growing of Rabbits has been recommended to us because this has been successful in other locations in Northern Haiti. The rabbit project seems favorable because rabbits multiply rapidly and they can be fed with local vegetation, which is free.

Pastor Coty responded to our suggestions with the following email. In his email, he comes up with another possible project for us to consider.


Hello brother Ken,
I did talk to brother Wedley about the raising of rabbits.

We can do it for some people, but the reality is, that not many people in our area know about rabbits, and are even willing to eat them. It is an unpopular food to us. It is also a delicate animal, that needs to eat the right kinds of grasses.

Brother Wedly is ready to teach us how to raise them and show us what kind of food would be best for them. I think we can start with some, but because  we don’t have many people who know about this meat, selling it may be a challenge, at least when we start. I did not talk to brother Wedly about the price yet, to determine how much they cost.

Because the plan is to find something that will help a family to become self-sufficient, I think of Goats.

They may be more expensive than the rabbits, but they are a good and accepted project in our area.

If we can help a family get a female goat, it would be very good. I know people who raise goats and make a good profit.

For example, at the opening of school, they would sell one goat and buy a school uniform. They can make good money starting with one goat etc…

So, I think if we can help one family get a goat, and then have that family give one of the offspring back to us, we can then bless another family. The number of families who have a goat will multiply.

I am not against the rabbit project. Maybe we can start both projects, one step at a time. I estimate the price of a female goat is between 35 to 50 US dollars. 

Pastor Coty Joseph


We will report our findings in the next CHM Newsletter.


Proverbs 19: 17
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.  

 A prayer for you from the scripture:

Psalms 67: 1
May God be gracious to you and bless you
and make His face to shine upon you.


Thank you, Family and Friends of Coastal Haiti Mission, for all that you do to help the people in Cahess, Haiti. You are making a huge difference for these people.

Please remember, that CHM must continue to send our monthly commitment of $800 to carry on the ongoing CHM ministry in Cahess.

If you desire to help, please send your tax-deductible check to our address and tell us how you want us to use your donation:

Coastal Haiti Mission

C/O Constance Goddard

3048 Spring Fancy Lane

Indian Trail, NC 28079

Or For tax deductible “online donations”, please use our PayPal service. Also please designate how you want us to use your donation.

May the Lord our God, who knows your heart and sees your actions, grant you great joy as you serve Him.  Connie, Esther, Pastor Coty, Carl, Dan, and Ken are very grateful for your sacrifice. Ken Johansson CHM Newsletter Editor


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